Inch Loss Slimming Programme
Many people have specific areas in their body that typically stores more fat and makes them look bulky and odd. Also it affects their daily routine. Examples are fat stored in belly, thigh, hips etc.
For them there is a specific programme to shed those extra fats from specific area without losing weight. This is Inch Loss Slimming Programme. Here the focus is on losing fat instead of weight.
At ethereal wellness we use specific massage and employ specialised devices to get the desired results. Our specialist is specifically trained for inch loss and weight loss programme. We have many clients to attest for our service.
Weight Loss Programme
We are the best Weight Loss centre in the city. Ethereal wellness centre from the beginning put an emphasis on weight loss as the single most ingredients for overall wellness of individuals.
Hence most of our clients go through weight loss programme to attain optimal health, wellness or specifically take the programme to shed kilos. Nevertheless it put us in the slimming centre map in the city.
We have many specific devices specially for weight loss programme. Once you take a demo, you know that you are in safe hands.
Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite is the formation of lumps and dimples in the skin. This appears mostly for people above 21+ age. It generally appears on thigh and buttocks. There are many methods to reduce this. At ethereal we have specialised in cellulite reduction. We use many proven techniques and technology to help you reduce cellulite.
So many factors to consider while devising a plan for any client. As cellulite deposits depends on age, hormone, genetic and many different factors. Hence the treatment too differs from person to person. So we advise our client to visit us so that our therapist will devise a customised plan.